June 13, 2011

I might as well just reference ‘The Martian Chronicles,’ another book I read in junior high that I didn’t understand because I didn’t know it was a book of short stories and therefore couldn’t figure out why the same characters weren’t in every chapter.

Last week I revealed my hopeless case of hopeful romanticism, flanked by the hope that a Spaniard who knows nothing about me would show up at my door in some spontaneous gesture of romance. I now see clearly that there are two slight problems with my pathetic idealism:

Number One:  My hope-filled hopeless fantasies always involve people who don’t know much about each other. The moment they ask questions, the romance surely dies.
Number Two: I’m so consumed in fantasy that I don’t realize what’s right in front of me.

There’s beautiful romance right here already!  There was a Taboo Tales show last month. Before it started, someone placed a metal robot on the stage. I didn’t notice the little guy because I was hosting the show, trying to be funny, and praying that nothing would go awry. It wasn’t until afterward that I saw he was the robot logo of this here blog, meticulously carved out of metal!

The card read, “I honor your contribution to humanity.”
I had no idea what that meant because I haven’t volunteered in a while, and I always mean to text my donations into the Red Cross because it’s easy and only ten bucks, but I never really get around to it.
The robot maker explained that he liked what I wrote here on Humans are Funny, thought that making people laugh was a fine method of helping humanity, carved this little guy out of metal, AND THEN drove an hour to see the Taboo Tales show and present him to me in person.
How romantic! How meaningful! And what a relief– I do not need to feel guilty about that volunteer trip to Haiti I never took.

This little robot man could be the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received (besides a Richard Marx CD in sixth grade and the recordings of my cheerleading competitions my mom just had transferred onto DVD. To future husband: sorry). My heart is jumping with glee. Not because I’m getting presents but because something I wrote affected someone else. That means more than anything.

Today a friend asked me why I blog, which is to say, “Why do you continue to spend hours per week cranking out essays about your intimate life details for an audience that’s honestly not that large?”
I didn’t go into the fact that my goal in life is to really make people feel something. “I just want to make people feel.” Sounds creepy. I’m keeping that one to myself.
Instead, I told her about all the people I’ve met through blogging. When people come here to read what you’re writing, it’s because they get you. A blog creates a whole community of people who share a similar take on life. It makes for some truly beautiful presents friendships!

Remember Wuthering Heights? I don’t remember much of that book except that it was snowy and everyone seemed bored and lonely. I just wish they could have each had blogs back then. (Wuthering Heights? Really? What a horrible reference. My insistence on staying in and writing is hindering my pop-culture references. I’ve seen one movie this year. Help!)

Thank you guys for reading and for commenting and for being funny and for coming back and for understanding me when I sometimes don’t. I can’t imagine my life without my blog. It sounds so ridiculous: “OMG, I would, like, die without my blog because it, like, totally helps me feel.”
But it’s true. All true.

Note #1: Why didn’t my teacher mention The Martian Chronicles were short stories?

Note #2: Rahul from Your Beard is Good sent me a box of paper towels once, which was very meaningful. I swear. And we met RIGHT HERE! If you start a blog, you too can get paper towels in the mail.

Note #3: How cool is that robot?


Biff June 13, 2011 at 3:36 pm

You know, I sat in that same class and I don’t remember the teacher ever mentioning that. Then again, back then I was discovering deodorant too so I may have missed it.

Madgew June 13, 2011 at 4:32 pm

Laurenne, if it wasn’t for your writing I would have never met you and now I love you and love your energy and love your stories even more. I noticed that Robot but I thought it was from one of the storytellers. Even better from an inspired reader. In the last year I have met so many people from my writing and my blogs and my friend’s blogs. I can’t begin to explain how much I enjoy your love of life. You write from your very soul and be damn to the people who don’t get it. There are enough of us who do..You left your tray at my house on Friday night ( a party celebrating all those of us who met online). No serial killers among us that I know of.

monica June 13, 2011 at 5:23 pm

your little robot is so cute! are you going to name him? take him to coffee shops with you? maybe long walks on the beach?

alonewithcats June 13, 2011 at 5:23 pm

If it weren’t for blogging, I wouldn’t have a place to crash in Venice/your friendship. (If I were a better blogger and commenter, I’d know the HTML code for a strike-out. Something to aspire to!)

C June 13, 2011 at 5:29 pm

Your blog inspires me and your robot is cool!

mambert June 13, 2011 at 5:37 pm

Uh…I can finally confess that the only “D” I got in college was when I took an upper class literature class as a freshman and I wrote a paper on the writing of Camus. I thought he sounded like a cool Irishman (rhymes with Seamus, right?) and as a southside Polack from Chicago I knew absolutely nutin’ about philosophy. Martian Chronicles in high school? child’s play

Mark June 13, 2011 at 5:51 pm

That was so awesome. I know that I am touched beyond belief when someone I know through blogging reaches out to me in the analog world. It makes me hopeful that the internet can do more than be another vehicle for bad relationship to find themselves on and porn..!

I think you are a great writer and someday, far sooner than later, I will be enjoying a script you wrote being performed on film or the telly!


laurenne June 14, 2011 at 10:54 pm

I knowwww! I always meant to send you a gift certificate when I got a job again. Alas, I’m unemployed once again. ONE DAY!
Yes, the telly.

brigid makiri June 14, 2011 at 10:30 am

I love your blog — I thought that little man was a lego piece

alfred jacobs June 14, 2011 at 11:47 am

“something I wrote affected someone else. That means more than anything.” Thanks for this. I get it.

Rahul June 14, 2011 at 11:54 am

I’m still confused why people aren’t concentrating more on note #2. I feel that it really brings this blog together in a way a Note #4 wouldn’t have. Paper towels are a necessary product for society and in reality I was just making sure you wouldn’t take out your lack of paper towels on the silverfish.

When we get famous people are going to be all like “How did you guys meet” then we’re going to be all like “On our blogs” and they’re going to be all like” How did you get into this party again?” and then we’re going to run. Blog romanticism!

just some dood June 18, 2011 at 11:33 am

*that* is one cool bot’ – that guy must be TOTALLY into you to do something like that…..

laurenne June 18, 2011 at 5:01 pm

I think he’s simply talented. And knows how to show his appreciation. He probably sends thank you cards too.

NOT just some dood - but kinda feels like it lately February 21, 2012 at 12:53 am

He probably send you something much better than a stooupid card…

Angela January 22, 2012 at 9:48 am

Great blog :) Just stumbled upon it now and really liked it. I bookmarked it for future reference.

great work :)

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