January 26, 2012

I know I say that humans are funny, but now I’m not sure if they’re humans.

A few weeks ago, I published an article on Tiny Buddha, an online magazine for spiritual enthusiasts. It was an old blog post that I sent in for fun. The editor edited out a few jokes (ugh, I hate when they do that), and put it up. Some people liked it. Some people didn’t. You can’t please everybody.

Those that didn’t like it sure were vociferous though. It was an article on how we learn from every relationship, even ones that end. Some people felt that they knew everything about me from that one article. They thought they had free reign to judge me:

“Sounds like you could use a break from dating. Break free from the codependent loops for a while and gain some perspective. That way on your death bed, if there isn’t a ring on your left ring finger, maybe you won’t feel like a failure.”

“There is a lot of sarcasm here to mask the bitterness that obviously wants to surface.”

“An article like this is more for yourself then any theoretical reader. By putting it ‘on paper’ you’re hoping to rationalize and justify your past failures.”

And my favorite: “You got serious issues.”

Of all the comments, only about ten were harsh. It’s funny that I’ve published things on the Huffington Post, KCET, here, and a in a few other online magazines, and the most judgmental reactions came from a ‘spiritual’ outlet. I would be totally judgmental if I said they were doing spirituality wrong, so I won’t say that.

It wasn’t the specific comments that bothered me. What they said wasn’t based on anything, and I don’t really care what these people hiding behind computer screens may think about my dating life.

But it did make me think: Why am I putting my personal life out there? Why am I being so honest so that other people can see? Why am I making myself so vulnerable? Why am I creating an environment that allows for people to judge my life? WHY AM I DOING THAT?!

That day, my professor of psychology asked me about a project I had chosen to do. She asked, “Are you doing it because you want to or because you feel like you’re supposed to?”

I began asking myself that question about everything. And thus began my existential crisis. Am I writing about my personal life because I feel obligated? Do I secretly feel not creative enough to invent fictional characters? Am I writing jokes about life because I want people to like me?

Then I got scared. We have all seen those Facebook status updates: “I’m doing everything I’ve ever wanted to do with my life. My life is the best.”

Nobody believes those posts. Everyone (well, me, I guess) thinks that those are just for show. Those super positive posts are there to make people think we’re perfect. (This is my way of judging, but since this is my post I allow it.).

Is this blog my way of showing some caricature of myself? Is it really me, or is this space right here just one HUGE annoying Facebook status update? Am I even being honest about myself at all? Was I so mean in high school (yes!) and drunk in my twenties (yes!) that I want to now prove that I SWEARIMNOTLIKETHAT anymore? Or, do I think I’m not a real writer since I haven’t published anything in print, so I have to prove that I’m a writer HERE, where I have the final say?

Is that what I’m doing?

And if this is true, have I been lying to myself since 2008? Have I been thinking that I enjoy writing when really I have been trying to prove myself?

Just then, I started to read a book required for school, Creativity Revealed. The first part talks about Plato’s description of perception: If a group of human beings grow up with their bodies and heads bound to face the back wall of a cave, they can’t see each other or what is behind them. They’ve never experienced life outside, but they see the shadows of people walking by projected onto the cave wall. And for them, that’s what life and humans are: shadows. Because that’s all they see. Their reality is shadows.

Then the book says: Could we, as human beings, be the ones bound and tied, observing the projections and considering them reality? For millennia, sages from all the great traditions have been telling us the answer is: YES!

Great. So, in the first few weeks of 2012, I have not only learned that my favorite thing to do is a lie, but MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE. Reality is not real. I am looking at a cave wall. I am a lying hack. I am stuck in a codependent loop. AND I HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES.

Full. Existential. Crisis. Mode.

This is when I stopped doing laundry and brushing my teeth. I have cried more in 2012 already than I did in the entirety of 1986 (and that was the year I rode my tricycle down the stairs and broke my collarbone). With those questions only came more questions: WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THEN? WHAT IS REAL? ARE HUMANS EVEN REAL? AND IF NOT, CAN THEY BE FUNNY? WHO AM I IF I’M NOT A STRUGGLING WRITER? WHY CAN’T I PAY MY PHONE BILL ON TIME? WHY IS IT SO COLD IN LOS ANGELES? WHERE ARE MY PANTS?

I have ditched many friends lately. I have cried in my car, on my living room floor, and at the beach. I have not been able to stop eating butter. Yes, butter. Sometimes butter JUST HELPS OKAY. And underneath all the questions and anxiety is fear. FEAR. My dad killed himself, and as each day passed with more tears, my anxiety level rose: Will I ever get over this shit? Am I going to wallow in my apartment drinking alone until I die? Fuck. More butter.

And then yesterday I realized something: I haven’t been writing. Yesterday, I felt like I could not go a day longer without writing about these feelings. I’ve talked them out. I’ve scared my mom. I’ve made my friends take me to IHOP (they have good butter). But, it wasn’t enough. When my friend Mike DeStefano died, I HAD to write about it immediately. Writing is just how I think. Writing is how I breathe. Putting this shit on paper is how I figure it all out. And that’s when I realized: I’m not a faker! I am doing this for ME. BECAUSE I WANT TO. I NEED to write every day. Or else. It’s for my sanity. And I put it on here because why? I don’t know. To find people like me? To make others think? To create a community? Or is it because if I don’t, then I won’t write?

That’s what it is. (And I just figured this one out right this second through writing. Hallelujah).

If I don’t feel pressured to get something up here every week, I WONT DO IT. And if I don’t do it, I GO INSANE and eat butter. I’m like a tea kettle that’s screaming, and if I don’t pour out my stories, they boil over back inside me and wash away my organs.

So, there.

Fuck, I feel better.

I still don’t know how I feel about the cave. Or the confused reality. Or the EVERYTHING ELSE. But one thing is clear, and that is that I MUST write.

So, that’s good. And also time consuming. But good. This crisis has had me questioning everything, but it has secured a few truths for me too: I don’t like the font ‘Arial.’ Sweatpants can be so comforting, but the moment they start to smell bad they are depressing. The beach feels and smells good. Crying alone in movies is the best. I LOVE CAPITALS. I love my mom. I’m fragile. I like butter better than cheese. Humans are definitely funny (If we are in fact humans. Not sure).

Through this whole thing, I’ve been so supported by so many people. Friends have let me talk their ears off (That’s a metaphor. Don’t worry. No ears actually fell off.). Even strangers on Twitter kept me company when I wasn’t sleeping but just laying in my bed staring out my window and wondering if what I was seeing was real. Relationships are so hard but so rewarding, and I guess if that’s all I get out of life, then I don’t fucking care if anything else is real.

Off to go STOP thinking for a while. And then eat some butter.


Madge January 26, 2012 at 4:41 pm

Laurenne, I am glad you are answering your own questions. I know this too shall pass. You are smart, capable and funny and I love that you share that with me.

ac neil January 26, 2012 at 5:38 pm

yeah, i’ve been going through something similar. i have felt so lost! but this i do know – to make stuff is human. to want to share it with others is human. if you are funny and good at making stuff – extra bonus. so you’re already ahead of the game! keep on moving forward.

laurenne January 27, 2012 at 12:54 am

Thank you! That means you’re ahead of the game too. Lost is good. I think this has been great for me, because once the answers come, there are answers! And they will come. I swear.

John January 26, 2012 at 7:44 pm

Hey, Kiddo… glad you got sorted out. I did the same thing awhile back, except for the butter. I decided that I’m not so much a writer as a philosopher… Sometimes we’re compelled to do thing for no apparent reason, like algebra, then there is a point where you have and ah ha moment and it makes sense and you take something away from it. Is it real? Who knows? Who cares? For this moment, for you, it is and that’s good enough isn’t it? Two years from now your perspective might be different and that will be the new real. It happens all the time.
Anyway… big hug… sorry for the haters. In any crowd there are a few dicks… sometime more than a few, like politics and office buildings. Keep up what you’re doing, I enjoy your sense of humor and thoughtfulness.


laurenne January 27, 2012 at 12:58 am

Hi John! Glad you’re back as well. A philosopher? Perhaps we shall talk Plato soon. Until then, big hug as well. Wishing you lots of butter.

Simone January 26, 2012 at 8:52 pm

this is why you write = because you’re a writer, and a damn good one.
this is why you write = because you inspire others, writers and regular boring people
this is why you write = because you have issues – WE ALL DO – and when we write and share how we feel, we don’t feel so alone (sound familiar Taboo Tales?)

my god, i hope we don’t have to discuss Plato on the way down to San Diego, i’m just getting over a bought of suicidal depression. also, i’m not that smart.

bring a tub of butter.


p.s. you exist, you are not a shadow, but a gleaming light
p.s.s. i love you dearly (not queerly)

laurenne January 27, 2012 at 12:54 am

Oh, we have so much to talk about. Not alone. Not alone.

Shirls January 26, 2012 at 11:05 pm

Hey Laurenne, I’m so glad you are back. So the long dark teatime of the soul is over for now? I love your writing and your courage and honesty. I love that you blog about your life and why should you NOT be doing it for yourself? Who else would you be doing it for? If you were doing it only for your readers it would come across as preachy. As it is, we see and feel the raw emotion delivered in delightfully lucid and tragicomic prose. And remember, only humans can joke in the midst of pain.

laurenne January 27, 2012 at 12:56 am

Thank you so very much, Shirls! I appreciate your support SO MUCH! If I knew what ‘tragicomic’ meant, I might be even MORE appreciative! I’ll take it though. Much love from human to human.

Jessica January 26, 2012 at 11:26 pm

I love your blog. You are awesome.

iampisspot January 27, 2012 at 12:56 pm

Whoa, sister! Sounds like you’ve been having a complete clusterfuck of recent. I hear ya! (takes one to know one).

Seriously though, I’m glad you sorted it all out, no matter how painful and confusing and ohmygodwhatthefuckishappeningtome?

I once read in one of my gazillion self-help books this: There is no advance without adversity.

I kind of live by that rule now, because, y’know, I’m always dealing with adversity – normally created from my very own brain.

Mark January 27, 2012 at 12:56 pm

I believe you are what you think about most of the time… and most of the time you are thinking as a writer… and regarding your HuffPo… I would like to read you on there… is there a way for me to subscribe to you..?

daisyfae January 27, 2012 at 2:32 pm

i started my wonky little blog experiment just to stay busy as my spawn flew the nest. to sort out some personal demons. organize my thoughts. hoark up some ugly things in a way that allowed me to sit back and look at them – perhaps a little more objectively.

then people started reading my shit. and commenting. and being charming (mostly). and i read their shit. and i commented. and tried to be charming (mostly). several rounds of “why am i doing this?” “why do i keep worrying about my stats?” “am i REALLY the person i portray?” “why can’t i write about THAT? OR THAT?!!” (generally because my grown children read….)

eventually/usually i get it sorted. and i keep writing when i want/need to say something. i’m glad you’re still writing. because it’s good.

but Buddhist Trolls? WHO THE FUCK KNEW THERE WERE BUDDHIST TROLLS! a new species. alert the Darwin-ites…

Rachel Wilkerson January 27, 2012 at 3:14 pm


Rachel Wilkerson January 27, 2012 at 3:12 pm

Glad I’m not the only one who is in this situation right now (putting feelings on the internet + strangers on the internet judging said feelings = full-blown identity crisis).

Re: “Do I WANT to vs. do I feel like I am SUPPOSED to?” I feel like for a writer, there is just no real answer to that question. It’s both. I feel like I don’t have a choice. I don’t know why I fucking write. I’ve done it my whole life and I can’t stop now, even now that I have the self-awareness to ask myself if I’m trying to prove something or if I’m creating a caricature of myself. It doesn’t matter. Even if the answer is YES to both of those things, it’s not like I/you/we can just STOP writing. If I stop and think about it, I’ll get depressed. As I get older, I realize, “Oh, yeah…weren’t a lot of famous creatives just fucking messes in reality?” and I wonder if I was just being silly when I thought I was immune.

I wish I had answers. I don’t. But I’m going to have steak (with butter).

Hang in there.

Brooke Farmer January 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm

First: you are a real writer. I’m pretty sure the definition of a writer is “one who writes,” or something like that. Or, at least, that is what people tell me when I am freaking out about whether or not I am a real writer.

Second: the fact that you NEED to write else go insane is what makes you a good writer. Or, at least, that’s what I tell myself.

Third: I don’t really have one other than to say I know you are a real writer because I read your blog and I am the most judgmental-of-other-people’s-writing person I have ever known. So that’s kind of a win.

Fourth- (please don’t ask how I can have a “fourth” when I didn’t really have a “third.”) Fuck the nasty judgmental commenters. The shittiest comments I have ever received came at a time when I was clearly already hurting a ton. Sitty comments are always anonymous because shitty commenters are cowards. Fuck ’em! Seriously. Some humans are funny. Others are assholes. Just the way it is.

rich siegel January 27, 2012 at 11:45 pm
Alison January 28, 2012 at 7:07 am

Hi Laurene, I found your post on Tiny Buddha and then found you on the web and signed up for your blog because I loved your writing. You are Funny, Courageous and most importantly, 100% Authentic. It is a rarity to find. In being so, you provide this wonderful mirror to how delightfully insane we humans are. You made me laugh at myself. And do we ever need that in these crazy and difficult times.

I write very similarly to you on my own blog. I am very clear on my purpose – my stories are not my stories to own, but mine to share. By being vulnerable and authentic, others may see a glimpse into themselves and realize they are not alone. A gift that cannot be underestimated. Keep shining and others always have the right to think what they want. And we have the right to adopt their beliefs or not. You already know who you are. Own it and the rest of us benefit.

Noriko January 28, 2012 at 11:22 am

This post is exactly why I love to read your work, Laurenne. You write with honesty and humility. You take serious stuff like suicide and you make me think but then you also make me laugh. Love it. And those judgers out there will keep judging. Fuck ’em. Just keep writing.

Irving Podolsky January 30, 2012 at 5:32 pm

If you are anything, Laurenne, you are REAL. You are TRUTH. And I believe you. So I care about you. And when you write about your turmoil, I know I am not alone, because I have shared your feelings from time to time. And that means YOU are not alone either, as you can see by reading these comments.

A few weeks ago I wrote a post WHY ARE YOU WRITING? for my own site and Curiosityquills.com. I received many comments on Google Plus and even Reddit.com. Your questions and answers about your motives for writing were stated over and over again by other writers.

Laurenne, we are a family of creators that need to (and should) express our ideas to others. No need to question that. If you write, we will read.

Best wishes, really,


Emma January 30, 2012 at 11:03 pm

I was talking and drinking with a friend tonight. Our children ran wild circles around us at her dining table and locked each other in the pantry for fun. We were talking about the relentless nature of parenthood and life, and other more general complaints. Your blog suddenly popped into my head and in a moment of clarity I realized she would very much enjoy your blog genius. So I googled ‘Unrapable in four countries’. Possibly the most memorable line ever, and such a specific search term.

Funny genius, weird American that you are. Please don’t do anything awful. We don’t give a toss whether this is proving yourself, or just pretending at being awesome, keep pouring out your stories.


Analogeye January 31, 2012 at 6:59 am

Sorry I only read this now, I was busy with my knee… I know, excuses… but there you are!

Spirituality feeds judgemntal attitudes (pretty much like anything else, if you let it), with the added difficulty that people tend to think they don’t have the things they consider wrong… so things like this go on without any inner challenge. Spiritual pride is one of the worse diseases in this path…

Whether you’ve been playing a character or being real… has this not been according to your best judgement at the time? So, that means that you have the consequences coming from your best judgement. If these are not what you actually want, you have an opportunity for growth, learning what “Laurenne – 3 years” didn’t know… so that’s a good thing, right?

Besides, do you think you are the one (human?) being who is expected to be perfect? Do you treat your friends and loved ones that way? So why do you think you’re entitled to treat yourself differently? ;)

So… should you stop challenging yourself and your decisions? Absolutely not! But don’t bash yourself about it if you find out in these checkups that you’ve effed up… It’s part of the game of life, and you are playing it!

Oh, and for the record… when I read people saying things about a perfect life more than once in a blue moon, a voice inside my head goes “bollocks!!!!!” hehehehe

I’m sending you a big hug. With the time zone difference and the distance, I’d expect it to be there by tomorrow afternoon!

jack grapes January 31, 2012 at 8:52 am

Please let me know for sure when your existential crisis is over. My astrologer told me not to book my vacation for Tierra del Fuego until “someone named Laverne has gone through her existential crisis.” Those were her exact words. She said someone named Laverne. I’ve been combing the internet for just who this Laverne broad is, but so far, no luck. I met someone at a writers conference in San Diego this weekend who said her name was Laverne. But it couldn’t have been the Laverne my astrologer was talking about: This Laverne was too articulate, too smart, too perceptive, too beautiful, too sensitive, too actualizing, too general-all-around-amazing to be someone having an existential crisis. Then I got to thinking. People whose brains are no more than a pound of tripe, people whose hearts are no more than half a cantaloupe, people whose souls are about as grounded as a dandelion–well, these people don’t HAVE existential crises. They just don’t. They sing in the rain when it isn’t raining, they punch in and punch out, they order bread “with butter on the side”, for krimmeny sakes! So this Laverne couldn’t have been you. But darn it all, I kinda fell in love with that Laverne. Call me crazy, call me stupid, call me late for dinner, but I really want to go to Tierra del Fuego, but if this Laverne my astrologer was talking about doesn’t get over her existential crisis, I can’t go to on my trip. And then, suddenly, it all came together! I DON’T WANT TO GO TO TIERRA DEL FUEGO! Who the friggin’ helter-skelter wants to go Tierra del Fuego. The only reason I wanted to go, I think, was because I, I, I was having an existential crisis myself. Maybe I was Laverne, and meeting the other Laverne tripped my existential crisis into black-holes-ville. Now I’m free! Free at last, free at last, God almighty Free at last! Your blog has saved me. Thank you. You are a true gift to the world, and anyone with the smallest ounce of tripe, anyone with the tiniest amount of cantaloupe, anyone whose soul clings for even a second to this watering hole called Earth, can tell that. And please give my regards to Laverne, whoever she may be.

alonewithcats January 31, 2012 at 9:39 pm

Reading about your existential crisis is like reading about my own. Except I don’t cry. Ever. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, either. But thank you for figuring out the crisis for both of us, so now I don’t have to. You’re the best.

Ernessa T. Carter February 1, 2012 at 4:05 pm

Hey Darlin,

Congrats on navigating your first existential writing crisis. Prepare to have at least 2-4 of them a year for the next few years — especially if you find any kind of writing success, because somehow one never gets to the place where she feels confident in her talented. You are so talented and so funny. And there are big things ahead for you, so seriously be prepared to have a lot of these.

Rachel February 12, 2012 at 9:33 am

I’m so glad to see this post. I’ve been feeling this exact way for about 4 days straight. I’ve stopped writing on my blog. I finally posted something today without any real writing on it. Just a bunch of pictures. I’m telling myself it’s ok not to put myself out there for a minute. I’m fragile and when I put myself out there and people are negative or critical it does bother me. When people aren’t responsive it’s weirdly hurtful. It’s made me question what in the world I’m doing and whether or not I should even keep trying. But the bottom line is – I enjoy this stuff. If for nothing else – I should do it for me. Have a stick of butter for me!

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