July 9, 2009

Day 4: That alien guy from Spaceballs is in my stomach.

I become the sickest I have ever been in my whole life. Since it’s a hippie town, the only medicines in any pharmacy are herbal. Luckily I have a few days of emergency antibiotic.

It pains me to imagine what could have made me sick.

It might have been the fresh-squeezed street juice I drank anxiously before reading the warning about fresh-squeezed street juice in the guidebook.

Or it could have been the Nescafe made with milk from any one of the cows I saw on the street eating matchbooks and condom wrappers.

Whatever it was, it did me in good.

THOUGHTS: Vomit, vomit. So, this is the India everyone warned me about. Vomit.

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