October 20, 2009

MEDiterranean MEN

Many moons ago, I decided to do a charity walk for AIDS in NYC. I couldn’t get a friend to join me, so I made the trek alone. I wasn’t alone for very long. Almost immediately, a suave gentleman had pulled up beside me. He asked many questions and proved to be a great listener. We walked the whole of Manhattan together, and I thought perhaps I would see him again. However, as soon as we crossed the finish, he seemed rushed…
“Hurry, gimme your number! I’ll call you.”
He didn’t have a phone and scurried to find a paper and pen. His hair was ruffling from his staccato movements.
“Sorry! I gotta run. They’re waiting for me.”
He pointed to an open van nearby. It was a prison van.

A prison van.

The charity walk had been part of his community service. He called several times from a jail pay phone. I didn’t answer.

This was what they call in the movies foreshadowing. Since Jail Man, I have had sore luck with the ability to tell whether a prospective mate is really a catch or just a charming con man.

This trip has thankfully put dating on my back burner. Who’s got time to worry about men or mascara when there’s a Laos jungle to explore or a Malaysian turtle to chase? I had taken a vow of celibacy before leaving anyway, sure that travel adventures would take precedence.
But now that I find myself in the West, the wool over my man-hunting eyes has been lifted.

Enter Massimo, a true Italian Stallion. Lounging on the pokey rocks of Nice, he wriggled his towel close to mine and asked my name. I am sure a flush returned to my cheeks after nine months flirt free (except for that one time in Laos but that’s a secret and that other time in India but that doesn’t count). We spoke in a funny language: 1/3 English, 1/3 Spanish, and 1/3 Italian. Our googly eyes withstood the fumbling for words. He added me to his Facebook right there on the beach. Facebook on the beach should have been a clue, but again… I don’t see those. He asked me out that evening, and I knew that I still had it. Oh yeah.

Cata and I strolled along the Nice boardwalk to our tiny hotel. She got in the shower, and I couldn’t resist the urge to plug into technology. (My old ways are streaming back so quickly.) I immediately clicked on Massimo’s profile and found 120 shirtless images of the man. One hundred twenty. All shirtless. Sigh. I think I’d rather date a prisoner. As long as he’s in there for tax fraud or impersonation of an officer.

I stole some photos to share with you. I’m positive Massimo doesn’t mind.


Monica Prelle October 26, 2009 at 4:37 pm

seriously? hahahahaha!

bashu94 October 29, 2009 at 7:46 pm

laurenne, this just made my day.

Zoe Blue October 12, 2010 at 9:36 am

Wait, wait, DID you go out with him or not?? I'm dying to know the outcome of this little flirtation.

Also, he is SOOOOO southern European it's crazy. On my travels through Italy/Spain, I met a million men who looked / acted like him. ;)

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