March 8, 2010

Day For Sharing #4

It has occurred to me that I am not the best person to share cool links and hip web videos. I was away from technology for a year. You have probably already viewed all these fun items I’m just now discovering. Like this fine Korean man who makes me scream for water dessert!

*What’s the one thing every single country has in common? Nope. Not sewing machines. Nope. Not transvestites. No! Not Nepalese white-bellied Herons. Stairs. We all have stairs.

*I am dying to try Chatroulette. And as soon as I make a costume that covers most of my face and leaves my legs in stirrups, I will. But until then, I have to take it from John Stewart.

*Another reason Fridays are the best.

*Sfw porn. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

*This is pretty rad.

*I wish I could write a letter to my 18-yr-old self. I would tell me to tell that lame-o boyfriend of mine that I wasn’t crying during sex because I was bad at it. I was crying during sex because HE was bad at it. Alas, I don’t have a magic mailing system. And neither does this girl. But she wrote the letter anyway.

*It’s almost become comical that people kill each other in the name of religion. Does anyone else think it’s insane? Is there no decent machete-wielding man who thinks, ‘hey… maybe this person is just like me except he prays without that small carpet?’ before he carves into his flesh?


A Tale of Midge March 9, 2010 at 1:11 pm

Ron's favorite video is that Touch My Body one. I want someone to "rape me in my thighs"!

laurenne March 9, 2010 at 2:42 pm

ha! Me too. I'm dying to have someone rape my thighs with a camel on a hill.

cata March 10, 2010 at 2:29 pm

I haven't seen a machete in years.

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