February 2, 2012

I blame the curtains!

Thanks to everyone who supported me last week in my existential crisis. My feelings had been boiling over, and I needed to write them all out. I feel much better now that I’ve pissed my feelings all over. On friends, on strangers and on possible job recruiters who will never ever call me. Aaaaahhhhh. Much, much better. I’m pretty sure this honesty is so freeing because I spent about 83% of my life NOT being honest.

Mom: You want to Pizza or Chinese?
Me: I just want whatever you want.

Friend: Let’s put these jeans on under our jeans in the dressing room and walk out. Nobody will know.
Me: I don’t think we should, but okay.

Boyfriend: Let’s have sex in my car even though it’s 3am and you’re really tired and drunk and won’t enjoy it at all.
Me: I guess if you want to.

I want to go back to my younger self and shake her. It took me a while to figure out how to say ‘NO!’ or ‘I want THIS,’ but I guess that’s part of growing up. Right? We grow up and learn how to talk about where we are in life, stick up for ourselves, and share our emotions. Right? Once we hit thirty we reach a point where we say goodbye to codependence and know exactly what we want and how to ask for it. Right? RIGHT?


The answer is no. Not everyone is comfortable talking about their feelings or communicating their needs. I have become acutely aware of this because, during this stint in psychology school, ALL I WANT TO DO IS TALK ABOUT MY FEELINGS AND NEEDS. So much so that I even annoy myself:

Me: I feel like walking to Subway for a Veggie Delight submarine sandwich.
Myself: Would you like to explore those feelings fully?
I: Yes, as this is bringing up some memories that need to be healed.

I’ve noticed that I’m annoying others too (read: I don’t have friends anymore). Especially men. I guess not all men. I don’t want to generalize here because that’s a cliché, and I hate when I’m a cliché because then I might as well just say ‘Don’t push your luck.’ or ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,’ which I would never say. So, I guess I just mean to say that this one man really hated everything about feelings.

We’re not dating anymore.

We had been romping it up since a wedding in October (Weddings. They ruin everything). And then December rolled around. That meant two whole months of doing that cute smiley stuff like holding hands and overlooking the fact that he used the same sponge to clean the dishes and the countertops.

I decided to have a talk with him about feelings. I swear it wasn’t meant to be the cliché ‘talk,’ because, as stated, I don’t like clichés and I might as well just say that ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch.’ I naturally wanted to talk about my feelings because, as stated above, IT FEELS GOOD.  It’s nice to let someone know with words that being with them sparks your heart and your groin area. Okay, and I wanted to know if he felt the same way too, which I guess means it was supposed to be the cliché talk. DAMMIT.

We curled up at a dark restaurant and ordered some wine.

“I really like you,” I told him.

I don’t know what I said next. I think I tried so hard to not sound like the typical girl that I sounded exactly like the typical girl. (I never actually said that I was GOOD at communicating my feelings. I just said that I liked it.) So, I spit out some words, and they might have been filled with clichés. In fact, I might have accidentally said that curiosity killed the cat (read: Where do I stand with you?). Ugh.

But, STILL! I was happy that I had gotten out my feelings. There they were. Right on the table next to the hummus dip: I like you. It would make me happy to know if you like me.

His face went flush and twitched a bit.

“I can’t talk about this…. with food on the table.”

He gasped for air.

“I understand,” I pleaded. “It’s okay. I’m going to go to the restroom to give you some air.”

And so I went. And I waited in there for a bit, thinking about how I had just ruined our two months with my stupid rush to be in a stupid relationship. But I had been picking out curtains for our new place in my mind, and you kind of want to know where you stand if you’re picking out curtains in your mind. Or you kind of just want to know anything! Because, as evidenced EVERYWHERE IN THIS BLOG, being honest is oh so freeing.

And then I stepped back outside, ready to tell him we could wait until he was comfortable or go find a location with no food in sight.

But it seemed like he had already done that.

There was our table. It had been bussed and cleaned.

There was no man. Gone.


Gone like the wind. Gone like poof!

I stayed calm. He must have been just getting air. He would be right outside the door.

But, NO. No, HE WASN’T just outside the door. And so I thought that he must be by the car because he was probably just excited to get to that new spot so we could talk in a place without food. Yes, that had to be it.

Nope. I got to the parking space and the car that we had both come in was gone.


I stood alone in that empty parking space and laughed. I was trapped in my very own romantic comedy, only the guy who left me did not look at all like Hugh Grant or Matthew McConaughey.

I stayed calm and breathed through it. I called him. He came back. Then he dropped me off and went to a party.

This is the part where I failed: We dated for another month. Yeah, we did. Because I didn’t want to let go of those curtains. Fuck you, curtains.

When we finally broke up, my friend said, “I knew he wasn’t for you when he left you at the restaurant.”

Oh yeah. Me too. But sometimes you fall in love with the headlines: Reunited at a wedding! Guy who can’t explore feelings learns how! Imagined curtains come to life in cute new couple’s home!


I am taking a break from dating. I’m going to stick with psychology school and be a PROUD cliche who is “working on herself.” If I do ever date someone again, may it be a man willing to discuss feelings at length. It doesn’t have to be every day. It doesn’t have to be about everything. It just has to be in the same room.


Madge February 2, 2012 at 5:42 pm

So sorry this happened to you Laurenne. What a jerk. I would have liked to think I would be gone but probably would want to find out what the fuck just happened. I had an interesting date once where the guy went to take a phone call. I finished my dinner at the counter and when he came back I started to walk out and walk home. You can guess who that was? I have learned sorta, kinda and at least now he know when I am pissed.

laurenne February 2, 2012 at 8:53 pm

No one puts Madge at a counter.

Madge February 2, 2012 at 9:07 pm

Not anymore.

girluntitled February 2, 2012 at 8:14 pm

i had a guy push his seat all the way back so none of our friends could see him in my car. he’d always say he was doing it as a joke and we’d laugh about it.

but then he started doing it when our friends weren’t even around.

laurenne February 2, 2012 at 8:53 pm

Ha! Rude. You showed him by being happily married with a cat now.

Youngman Brown February 2, 2012 at 8:14 pm

Jesus, you’re brilliant.

laurenne February 2, 2012 at 8:51 pm

Tell me more!

daisyfae February 2, 2012 at 8:20 pm

either someone wants to be with you, or he doesn’t. nothing much we can do to affect that. finding out before marriage – and curtains – is probably not a bad thing.

it’s a good idea to pay attention to where you end up when your mind wanders… especially if it involves housewares.

laurenne February 2, 2012 at 8:46 pm

Ugh! I know! Especially after two months! There should be no curtains before even four months! But… it happens!

Madge February 2, 2012 at 9:09 pm

It is so wonderful to hope the relationship is going somewhere and that you like him. I can’t believe you stayed with him another month. That is what I would analyze, The leaving at dinner should have been it. But I know how hard all this is. Just look at me 10 years of this shit.

alonewithcats February 2, 2012 at 9:25 pm

I wish I could loan you my cats.

This blows. He blows. Really hard. I don’t blame you for taking a break from dating. I am, too. Not because I’ve ever been left in a restaurant, but because I no longer trust people not to leave me in a restaurant. You know?

Irving Podolsky February 2, 2012 at 10:15 pm

Gee, I read your story and it brought me back to my dating years, to the memories of girls who kept me guessing about what they wanted, the hot-cold, hot-cold, hot cold…and the girls who just wanted casual sex and I thought it was more than that. Or hoped it was more than that.

Then there were those girls who told me right up front they wanted marriage and babies. If I wasn’t going there too, our sex fun was over.

Okay, second date TO-DO LISTS were a little forward, but hearing those WANTS was better than guessing about them. I could only respect that, but those relationships ended quickly too.

Then I met a girl from Germany. She was honest and direct without being pushy. She never asked me for anything, but instead, let me know what she was FEELING. She was so innocent about it, and pure, I couldn’t help but respond to her needs.

Finally, I had met a girl who always told me what she was thinking, and didn’t contradict it. Since her thoughts always matched her actions, I felt I could trust her. And I did. And I exposed myself as well. There were no games. No hidden agendas. Just a merging of feelings.

I immediately felt this person was rare, and she was. So I asked her to marry me three weeks after we met. She said, “Yes.” But I knew she would. We had no secrets. And still don’t today, many years later.

Don’t settle for anything less than total transparent honesty, Laurenne. It’s the only foundation that builds real love. And you deserve it.


laurenne February 4, 2012 at 9:39 am

Thanks, IRV! Your story is awesome. I agree… I think honesty is now my #1 priority. This was great though because it taught me how important that is.

singlegirlie February 2, 2012 at 11:41 pm

Wow. I’m pretty much a douchebag expert, and that there is a bona fide douchebag. I can’t believe he came back. What did he say when he did?

Just remember not to count your chickens before they’re hatched. Because you might wind up with egg on your face.

The Incredible Woody February 3, 2012 at 7:27 am

I’d like to punch him in throat.

I dated a guy that put me out on the side of the road in the middle of the night. I ‘read the headlines’ and let him back into my life for another 2 YEARS! I was so stupid.

Amy February 3, 2012 at 7:51 am

I wouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I once dated a guy who told me that he loved me and wanted to be with me forever, but he would never love my then 3 year old son. I stayed with him for 7 more months after that… When I think about how stupid/desperate/lonely I was- it makes me want to jump through my own memory and give myself a bloody nose. But, you live and learn!

laurenne February 3, 2012 at 8:06 am

UGh! Live and learn. That is correct. Glad we both got outta there. Phew.

Brooke Farmer February 3, 2012 at 9:55 am

You went out with him after he abandoned you at a restaurant without saying a word?

This post makes me want to smack you. And punch him. But I’m not a violent person so instead I’m just going to say I’m really glad you stopped dating douchehat. And next time, call a cab and delete his numb. Immediately.

laurenne February 4, 2012 at 9:37 am

Ugh. I think he might like all that punching. I should actually give you his number.

Brooke Farmer February 4, 2012 at 11:25 am

Hahahaha. No thanks. First because I like to be on the recieving end of the choke and slap. Second, I like to date grown ups.

Ernessa T. Carter February 3, 2012 at 3:09 pm

Seriously, do not beat yourself up about this. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter what he wants or whether he was uncomfortable with your expectation or whatever. You want what you want, and if he doesn’t want the same, then he did you a favor by running. Leaves you open for a guy that’s on the same page. I’m way more pissed at the guys that waste a girl’s time by sticking around when they’re nearly on the same page.

Shirls February 3, 2012 at 10:04 pm

Laurenne, okay you’re done beating yourself up and feeling like a prat. So I’m going to ask you a really insensitive question: What color, pattern and fabric were the curtains?

laurenne February 4, 2012 at 9:40 am

Let’s see… Definitely white. And airy. And the house was painted a nice mango color with hardwood floors. BUt… I CAN HAVE THAT ANYWAY! So, there!

helina February 4, 2012 at 1:53 am

Hello! Came across your site from Tiny Buddha. Very hilarious post, sometimes that place gets too, uh. foo foo for me.

Firstly, boys are hella dumb. I agree with rest to not beat yourself up about it. Sounds like he may have issues himself…

Second, can we be new friends so we can complain about existential crises and how people don’t understand artists?

laurenne February 4, 2012 at 9:37 am

YES! I’m an artist and nobody understaaaaaaands me! Ok, now you go.

helina February 4, 2012 at 11:54 pm

Yeah totally… (flips bangs out of eyes)

Brian February 7, 2012 at 11:40 pm

uhh . . all the girls I met growing up learned how to say no pretty damn quickly.

“The Talk” always seems to start with a “This is not The Talk” statement. Better to just dive in and get on with it. We know it’s coming.

Also – How long until you tell a guy about your blog? I feel like that would be another big step.

Melissa Costello February 9, 2012 at 9:30 pm

Laurenne, you are so brave and so damn funny. I am not going to man bash, because it’s obvious this guy was just not ready for someone as fabulous as you darling! and there’s nothing wrong with talking about your feelings…just not over food next time ;-)
I love you! I’ll pick out curtains with you any day! xo

Emma February 21, 2012 at 7:16 pm

I agree with the others. You are brilliant. He is a totally f*cking arse.

Rahul February 22, 2012 at 11:07 am

The no such thing as a free lunch cliche is the worst because you can totally have a free lunch. Just look at the ad world. There’s free lunches everywhere. Whoever came up with that cliche shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth because that’s how the cookie crumbles when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

At least he didn’t leave you in a hot air balloon.

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